Thursday, November 21, 2019


If life was ideal, how would it be like?let's think about it.

If life was ideal,it would've got boring,there would've been less emotions,less lessons,and to twist and turn. We would've got everything we wished for,without struggles. How mesmerising it sounds though. No sacrifices, no fails, no blunders. A calm, smart life. Doesn't it seems to be dull, what memory you'll make of it when you haven't done adventures for getting you want. 

How would you laugh while looking at your awkward and idiotic moments when you've spend your life being smart, sophisticated and being intelligent all the time.

Wise people say that experience comes from mistakes. Would you learn lessons and get experience when you haven't done any mistake? When you have spent all of your life making right decisions. 

How would you get up when you've never fallen?? How would you enjoy your success when you haven't failed even once to achieve it? That joy that comes when you achieve your goal after alot of attempts is worth every singe penny and minute you've spend for it. 

How would you appreciate the things you have in your life when you haven't asked for them in your prayers, when you haven't sacrificed for them. If approaching things would've been that easy, they'll become worthless.

What if you've never cried?? You'd have been always smiling and happy-go-lucky? How would you feel someone's pain then? How you'll comfort them. How would you find a way to take them out of their pain..

If you'd be full, how would you feel the starved people?

If you'll always be successful, how would you define failure? 

How would you define struggle when you haven't gone through it?

How would you explain what pain is when you've never felt it?

How would you teach someone to compromise when you've never done it? 

How would you thank God for what you have is the best when you've got everything you always wanted?

Everyone deserves to be happy. Life would've not been interesting and adventurous if there were no ups and downs. Don't complain about life. In the end we're gonna miss it. Always be happy what you have because alot of people find you lucky. 

Hope you liked it and if you did, don't forget to share it.. 

Lots of 💖 


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

es el mejor blog que he leído

I just realized something. The message that I've resisting or trying to avoid is now in front of my eyes. The deeper you understand it&#...
