Saturday, November 16, 2019


Working hard over weekdays,and here comes the weekend.making plans and to do list of weekends.Everyone's priorities are different.Some want to party hard till end enjoying every lyric of music,cheering with friends,not remembering all week what they did just being themselves on every tune of song, or some want to spend some quality time with their loved ones chatting with their family telling them how their week was ans listening to what happened to their siblings,parents,wife,kids and giving some good piece of advice to them joking and laughing around with a happy healthy environment realizing how precious people they have in their lives,some have a lot of homes chores to do(story of most of the working women and men too) doing laundry,cleaning the mess created by kids,meal preps,adding new pieces and ornaments to the house if needed making their home cozy and comfortable. Some spend their working time as"me day" and love to pamper themselves, getting relaxed by a massage,getting their nails done,who doesn't love a great haircut and a best blow-dry would be cherry on the cake.Some want a long drive on a starry night capturing those beautiful monuments of nature in their eyes and some want alone time enjoying the beautiful weather while reading some philosophical books while sitting on a cozy sofa, having some delicious chocolate cookies with a warm mug of coffee on their side table and enjoying their peaceful,quiet time.

There is no ranking on which type of weekend you should spend.Anything which makes you feel like "a weekend well spend" anything you want to do to make yourself calm and ready for another hectic weekday.

I just realized something. The message that I've resisting or trying to avoid is now in front of my eyes. The deeper you understand it&#...
