Friday, November 29, 2019


We often hear from our elders that "everything happens for a reason" have we ever looked deep into it? No? Let's dig into this topic together !

Life is journey and we go through many ups and downs through out this journey. At certain points,  we also feel like we are walking on a wrong track or we just don't feel like walking anymore,  doesn't it happen?

At some point in our life, we've thought that we're nothing but a failed person. It's okay! It happens and it's not your fault. In this era, our world is so competitive that even small mishaps stress us out. But it's not end of life because God always know what is best for us.

Sometimes even I've considered myself as a failed person. In few years or so, I've learned from my Itty bitty experience and failures that every thing happens for good. We should never loose hope. 

Ever dreamt of something but couldn't get it? Try for it again, still not getting it? Try again. You'll have it one day. We fall to rise again.

Life's gonna give us alot of turnovers. Instead of crying and considering yourself a loser, accept those turnovers and move on with it. There is nothing impossible in this world. 

It's okay if you couldn't achieved what you'd dreamt of even though you gave your best to get it. Something better is waiting for you ahead.

Accept what you have. Be thankful for it. Move on . Strive for more. Explore yourself. Never go down. You're not a loser, you're a warrior. Strive for better.  Because EVERYTHING THAT SHINES IS NOT GOLD.

Failure is nothing but a staircase for success. Somethings best is ahead. Always give your best and then let destiny show its miracle. There will come a day when you'll be thankful for what your destiny made you do. Just do your best everytime you can. 

Never loose faith in the One who created this world. Wo really loves us. That mighty can never be unfair with us because He knows what we deserve and what's best for us.

You know alot of successful personalities of the world. Ever wondered how they become so successful? They've failed a hundred times, they gave their best, the had faith, they had believe in themselves,they sacrificed, they accepted what they had and focused and struggled for their better future. They took time, they explored themselves. Trust me it looks easy but it's not. It takes alot of courage to stand up again and face the world and in the end it pays off๐Ÿ˜Š.

Don't regret all the time. Don't cry over spilled milk. Accept it, take notes from it, focus on your future, work hard for it and move on. Nobody in this world gets every thing they wanted and they are still living a beautiful life. Just remember that you are your biggest hope. Never give up❗

Are you able conclude this? No?  Let me do! 
Whenever you fail your so called plans despite of working hard for it,  this is the point when you should get one thing that "you deserve something better" and soon this will be proved :)

Share it with someone whom you want to motivate. Take care.
Lots of ๐Ÿ’–

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