Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Patience and compromise

We work hard. We plan perfection, sometimes it is accomplished, sometimes doesn't. Life is moving so fast that we have lost our patience. It is a very important aspect to live a better life. But somewhere in this busy and high tech world. We lack patience and compromise. 

Our ego have rose up so high that we can't bear anyone's critics. We get rude, we get sensitive, even that critics or advice could make us or our work better but we can't bear those words because we think that it is our insult if someone is telling something. 

This is accompanied by not compromising. Life is full of compromises. At any part of our life, sometimes, we have to step back for better future, better relationships and better bond. But we don't, which makes our relationship, our bonds weak and vulnerable. And in the end with our proud ego and non-compromising attitude, we stand alone. 

We all know that great things take time, but this phenomena is not understood by everyone.  We, actually, hate to wait. We want everything fast in life, which could be a start of making wrong moves. Patience has the best reward. It can make us go towards a successful and yet fruitful way. Being patient help us to build our tolerance and enhance our decicion making. Some blissful decicion takes time but end up being perfection. 
Lots of 💖

1 comment:

I just realized something. The message that I've resisting or trying to avoid is now in front of my eyes. The deeper you understand it...
